Streamline Your Family’s Health with myRiverside MyChart
In this fast-paced world, managing our family’s health can often become a daunting task. Between work, school, and other commitments, it’s easy to overlook important aspects of healthcare, like scheduling annual wellness exams. However, with…
Easing your child’s fear of the doctor
When it’s time to see the doctor for a checkup or vaccinations, many children feel anxious and scared of the unknown. Rosvida San Gabriel, MD “We want our kids to feel safe and happy…
Is Your Teen Driving Distracted? Tips to Keep Them Safe
There’s been a big push to discourage phone use while driving. Many states have laws in place requiring “hands free” and other measures. Yet, distracted driving involves more than talking or texting on one’s phone.
The Importance of Childhood Immunizations
Before medical science gave us vaccines, many children died from diseases such as whooping cough, measles, and polio. While those same infections still exist, vaccine protection means they are a relatively rare occurrence. Riverside…
Finding the Best Pediatrician for Your Child’s Needs
No parent wants to see their kid suffering, whether it’s a case of the sniffles or something more serious. All they desire is for their little one to get better. That is the focus of…
Concerned About Someone’s Mental Health? Here’s How You Can Help
There will always be instances in life where someone we know or love is going through a tough time. Perhaps they suffered a personal loss such as a death in the family or being laid…
Do You Have a Primary Care Provider (PCP)? Here’s Why You Should
It’s understandable why someone might wait until they get “sick” to enlist the help of a physician. However, there are so many health-related concerns that benefit from a proactive approach to one’s care. A primary…
Pediatric Hospitalists, How They Make a Difference
The Hospitalist Model: Dedicated to Pediatric Needs Any parent will tell you one of the scariest moments in life is when your child is hurting—particularly if a hospital stay is involved. Whether it’s a newborn…
Navigating Back to School Anxiety
Dr. Raunak Khisty Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at Riverside Medical Center While going back to school can be an exciting time for some kids, others may struggle with anxiety as we head into a…
Time To Vaccinate
August is National Immunization Awareness Month and the perfect time to make sure you and your children are up-to-date on all of the recommended vaccinations for your age group. Staying current on vaccinations is…