
Be on the lookout for melanoma

Melanoma has a well-deserved reputation as the most serious form of skin cancer. It can be hard to treat and potentially lethal if it isn’t caught early. If caught early, a simple surgical procedure may…

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Prediabetes: Take the path to prevention

Sometimes, if we’re lucky, we get a heads-up about a potential problem—like a traffic jam that is blocking our route—which allows us to change course and go in a different direction. Learning you have prediabetes…

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Time To Vaccinate

August is National Immunization Awareness Month and the perfect time to make sure you and your children are up-to-date on all of the recommended vaccinations for your age group. Staying current on vaccinations is…

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Ask The Doctor – Heart Failure

Today’s questions are being answered by Dr. Vijay Haryani, an Interventional Cardiologist with the Riverside Heart and Vascular Institute. My mom was diagnosed with heart failure. Are there signs I should watch for with…

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